We are pleased to announce a Book Group Special Event.
In August 2006, the Book Group will be discussing:
Bob Freeman’s first novel ‘Shadows over Somerset’
Bob Freeman will be personally hosting the book group discussion for his book. Not only are we honoured to have Bob host the discussion personally but we have also secured a special Book Group price for the book!
So how do you participate in this special event?
Join the forum if you are not already a member, then follow the instructions below.
If you are a member, then do the following:
1. Look on the left sidebar for Events and click on link for Bob Freeman Shadows over Somerset and register for the Book group discussion
2. Click on the menu link for Book Group specials and order the book. (Special discount applies when you order via these links only. They do not apply to Amazon orders)
3. Sit back and wait for your book and August to arrive.